Tag Archives: 2012

WLS resolutions for 2012

So I have come to the conclusion that I need to divide myj resolutions up by catagory so that I do say 5-10 for each blog.  I have my WLS blog, my art blog and my daily life blog, all of which I have been neglecting.

So for my WLS resolutions I have the following:

#1 I will realize that how I treat myself now will define how I need to be treated (medically and physically) in the future.  If I don’t take care of myself Alex will be taking care of me way too much and way too soon.

#2 I will eat right…it sounds so simple but really it isn’t, I will get my daily protein in at over 100grams, I will keep my daily carbs including those from milk down below 70grams and I will attempt to eat healthy fats and more vegetables.  I realize that by not doing this I am sabotaging all the work I and my Dr.s have put into my duodenal switch.

#3 I will exercise more even if it is just walking farther and longer every week and I will accept that everytime I slack off, everytine I use a motorcart when I don’t have to I am only hurting myself and I need to be stronger for my knee surgery.

#4 I will continue to take my vitamins and suppliments and keep up with my iron better.

#5 I will try to lose down to 210 and stay there or below by the end of the year.  Only if I can do that and strenghten my muscles will I schedule my knee replacement

#6 I will get off of sweets even if it means fighting my own addictive nature tooth and nail…this is my body and I Will be in control of what I put in it.  To do this I will keep as few goodies in the house as possible and not buy them when out and about.  If I slip is will start over immediately and not “soon”

#7 I will try to blog more and at least once a month post a recipe here as well as do more art journaling on WLS topics.

Well 7 will have to do for now…all such basic stuff and it all comes down to “I will stay in compliance”

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